Wisconsin’s LGBTQ community confronts efforts to suppress visibility

Wisconsin’s LGBTQ community confronts efforts to suppress visibility

LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which goes on through June, is a celebration of visibility and acceptance. This year it is happening against a backdrop of coordinated suppressive efforts by some state legislators. Nevertheless, allies of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ community say they are undeterred and unafraid...

...Neubauer added that, “events like the raising of the Progress Pride flag are important signifiers that Wisconsin is a place that everyone can call home. Leaders that value inclusivity and doing the right thing are critically important for the future of our state. I am very concerned about the harm that can be done to people across our state with different leadership at the helm – whether it be through harmful statements, legislation, or actions.”


Ken Notes: Why is accepting diversity a political issue?

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- - Volume: 10 - WEEK: 25 Date: 6/15/2022 10:10:30 AM -